Hejdå, Sverige! (Bye, Sweden!)

Sweden just wouldn’t let me leave without a little more rain and clouds, but I’ve made it to the airport in Copenhagen and gotten through security! Now to sit and keep myself entertained for the next ~14 hours…

The train was packed with people and their luggage; I guess it’s quite a busy travel season. After figuring out how to check an extra bag (for $105!!) I headed for security. The guy in front of me in line went to Sewanee and had been at the Copenhagen Business School for four months. (People watching is the best thing to do at an airport!) He was pretty frazzled getting all his stuff together so I like to think I was comparatively cool as a cucumber. I found a good spot to sit and wait for my flight which leaves in about an hour and a half. I’m writing this on an iPad so I’ll end it here!

I mentioned it before but if you’d like to track my flight, Google SK925.

God Jul!